Scott's BrewBlog

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Abbey Malt
Color (L): | 17.5 °L |
Info/Use: | Not provided. |
American Black Barley
Color (L): | 127 °L |
Info/Use: | Provides dryness. |
American Black Patent
Color (L): | 127 °L |
Info/Use: | Provides color and sharp flavor. Use in stouts and porters. |
American Chocolate Malt
Color (L): | 127 °L |
Info/Use: | Use in all types to adjust color and add nutty, toasted flavor. Chocolate flavor. |
American Dextrin (Cara-Pils) Malt
Color (L): | 1 °L |
Info/Use: | Balances body and flavor without adding color, aids in head retention. For any beer. |
American Munich Malt
Color (L): | 10 °L |
Info/Use: | Sweet, toasted flavor and aroma. For Oktoberfests and malty styles. |
American Pale Malt (2-Row)
Color (L): | 1 °L |
Info/Use: | Smooth, less grainy, moderate malt flavor. Basic malt for all beer styles. |
American Pale Malt (6-Row)
Color (L): | 1 °L |
Info/Use: | Moderate malt flavor. Basic malt for all beer styles. |
American Pilsen Malt
Color (L): | 1-2 °L |
Info/Use: | Light color, malty flavor. For pilsners, lagers. |
American Roasted Barley
Color (L): | 127 °L |
Info/Use: | Sweet, grainy, coffee flavor and a red to deep brown color. |
American Rye Malt
Color (L): | 3.7 °L |
Info/Use: | Not provided. |
American Special Roast
Color (L): | 50 °L |
Info/Use: | Provides a deep golden to brown color for ales. Use in all darker ales. |
American Victory Malt
Color (L): | 25 °L |
Info/Use: | Provides a deep golden to brown color. Use in nut brown ales, IPAs and Scottish ales. |
American Vienna Malt
Color (L): | 4 °L |
Info/Use: | Increases malty flavor, provides balance. Use in Vienna, Marzen and Oktoberfest. |
American Wheat Malt
Color (L): | 2 °L |
Info/Use: | Light flavor and creamy head. For American weizenbier, weissbier and dunkelweiss. |
American White Wheat Malt
Color (L): | 2 °L |
Info/Use: | Imparts a malty flavor. For American wheat beers, wheat bock and doppel bock. |
Belgian Aromatic Malt
Color (L): | 20-26 °L |
Info/Use: | Imparts a big malt aroma. Use in brown ales, Belgian dubbels and tripels. |
Belgian Biscuit Malt
Color (L): | 23-25 °L |
Info/Use: | Warm baked biscuit flavor and aroma. Increases body. Use in Belgian beers. |
Belgian Caravienne Malt
Color (L): | 21-22 °L |
Info/Use: | Light crystal malt. Used in lighter Abbey or Trappist style ales. |
Belgian Munich Malt
Color (L): | 3 °L |
Info/Use: | Used to increase malt aroma and body with slightly more color. |
Belgian Pale Ale Malt
Color (L): | 2.7-3.8 °L |
Info/Use: | Use as a base malt for any Belgian style beer with full body. |
Belgian Plisen Malt
Color (L): | 1.5 °L |
Info/Use: | Light color, malty flavor. For pilsners, dubbels, tripels, whites and specialty ales. |
Belgian Special B Malt
Color (L): | 130-220 °L |
Info/Use: | Extreme caramel aroma and flavor. For dark Abbey beers and other dark beers. |
Black Roasted Malt
Color (L): | 407 °L |
Info/Use: | Not provided. |
British Amber Malt
Color (L): | 35 °L |
Info/Use: | Roasted malt used in British milds, old ales, brown ales, nut brown ales. |
British Black Patent Malt
Color (L): | 500-600 °L |
Info/Use: | Dry, burnt, chalky character. Use in porters, stouts, brown ales and dark lagers. |
British Brown Malt
Color (L): | 65 °L |
Info/Use: | Imparts a dry, biscuit flavor. Use in porters, brown, nut brown and Belgian ales. |
British Carastan Malt
Color (L): | 30 °L |
Info/Use: | A British malt similar to American or Belgian crystal malts. |
British Chocolate Malt
Color (L): | 395-475 °L |
Info/Use: | Nutty, toasted flavor, brown color. Use as a specialty grain in brown ales, porters, stouts and bocks. |
British Crystal Malt
Color (L): | 55-60 °L |
Info/Use: | Sweet caramel flavor, adds mouthfeel and head retention. For pale or amber ales. |
British Dark Crystal Malt
Color (L): | 145-188 °L |
Info/Use: | Sweet caramel flavor, mouthfeel. For porters, stouts, old ales and any dark ale. |
British Dextrin (Cara-Pils) Malt
Color (L): | 10-14 °L |
Info/Use: | Adds body; aids head retention. For porters, stouts and heavier bodied beers. |
British Maris Otter Pale Malt
Color (L): | 3 °L |
Info/Use: | Premium base malt for any beer. Good for pale ales. |
British Mild Ale Malt
Color (L): | 2.3-2.7 °L |
Info/Use: | Dry, nutty malty flavor. Promotes body. Use in English mild ales. |
British Pale Ale Malt
Color (L): | 2.2 °L |
Info/Use: | Moderate malt flavor. Used to produce traditional English and Scottish style ales. |
British Pale Chocolate
Color (L): | 200 °L |
Info/Use: | Used in darker beers such as porters and stouts to add color and richness. It is used in preference to chocolate malt when less color from the grains is desired and a grain with milder flavors is needed. |
British Peat Smoked Malt
Color (L): | 2.8 °L |
Info/Use: | Imparts a robust smoky flavor and aroma. For Scottish ales and wee heavies. |
British Roasted Barley
Color (L): | 500 °L |
Info/Use: | Dry, roasted flavor, amber color. For stouts, porters and Scottish ales. |
British Toasted Pale Malt
Color (L): | 25 °L |
Info/Use: | Imparts nutty flavor and aroma. Use in IPAs and Scottish ales. |
British Torrified Wheat
Color (L): | 1-1.5 °L |
Info/Use: | Puffed wheat created by high heat. Use in pale ales, bitters and milds. |
British Wheat Malt
Color (L): | 2 °L |
Info/Use: | Light flavor, creamy head. For wheat beers, stouts, doppelbocks and alt beers. |
Crystal Malt 10L
Color (L): | 10 °L |
Info/Use: | Sweet, mild caramel flavor and a golden color. Use in light lagers and light ales. |
Crystal Malt 120L
Color (L): | 120 °L |
Info/Use: | Pronounced caramel flavor and a red color. For stouts, porters and black beers. |
Crystal Malt 20L
Color (L): | 20 °L |
Info/Use: | Sweet, mild caramel flavor and a golden color. Use in light lagers and light ales. |
Crystal Malt 30L
Color (L): | 30 °L |
Info/Use: | Sweet, mild caramel flavor and a golden color. Use in light lagers and light ales. |
Crystal Malt 40L
Color (L): | 40 °L |
Info/Use: | Sweet, mild caramel flavor and a golden color. Use in light lagers and light ales. |
Crystal Malt 60L
Color (L): | 60 °L |
Info/Use: | Sweet, mild caramel flavor and a golden color. Use in amber and brown ales. |
Crystal Malt 80L
Color (L): | 80 °L |
Info/Use: | Sweet, mild caramel flavor and a golden color. For porters and stouts |
Crystal Malt 90L
Color (L): | 90 °L |
Info/Use: | Pronounced caramel flavor and a red color. For stouts, porters and black beers. |
Flaked Barley
Color (L): | 1.5 °L |
Info/Use: | Helps head retention, imparts creamy smoothness. For porters and stouts. |
Flaked Maize
Color (L): | 1 °L |
Info/Use: | Lightens body and color. For light American pilsners and ales. |
Flaked Oats
Color (L): | 1 °L |
Info/Use: | Adds body and creamy head. For stouts and oat ales. |
Flaked Rice
Color (L): | 1 °L |
Info/Use: | Imparts a light, crisp finish. |
Flaked Rye
Color (L): | 2 °L |
Info/Use: | Imparts a dry, crisp character. Use in rye beers. |
Flaked Wheat
Color (L): | 2 °L |
Info/Use: | Imparts a wheat flavor and hazy color. For wheat beers and Belgian white beers. |
German Acidulated (Sauer) Malt
Color (L): | 1.7-2.8 °L |
Info/Use: | High lactic acid. For lambics, sour mash beers, Irish stout, pilsners and wheats. |
German Carafa I
Color (L): | 300-340 °L |
Info/Use: | Gives deep aroma and color to dark beers, bocks, stout, alt and schwarzbier. |
German Carafa I De-Husked Malt
Color (L): | 400 °L |
Info/Use: | De-husked for a less bitter taste. Great for use in Dark beers, Stouts, Altbier, and Bockbier. The unique de-husked barley adds aroma, color and body, with a milder smoother flavor that can be achieved with whole grains. |
German Carafa II
Color (L): | 375-450 °L |
Info/Use: | Adds aroma, color and body. |
German Carafa II De-Husked Malt
Color (L): | 500-600 °L |
Info/Use: | De-husked for a less bitter taste. Great for use in Dark beers, Stouts, Altbier, and Bockbier. The unique de-husked barley adds aroma, color and body, with a milder smoother flavor that can be achieved with whole grains. |
German Carafa III
Color (L): | 490-560 °L |
Info/Use: | Adds aroma, color and body. |
German Carafa III De-Husked Malt
Color (L): | 650-750 °L |
Info/Use: | De-husked for a less bitter taste. Great for use in Dark beers, Stouts, Altbier, and Bockbier. The unique de-husked barley adds aroma, color and body, with a milder smoother flavor that can be achieved with whole grains. |
German CaraHell (Light Crystal) Malt
Color (L): | 8-12 °L |
Info/Use: | For light colored beer for body; hefeweizen, pale ale, golden ale, Oktoberfest. |
German Caramel Wheat Malt
Color (L): | 38-53 °L |
Info/Use: | For dark ales, hefeweizen, dunkelweizen, wheat bocks and double bocks. |
German CaraMunich Malt I
Color (L): | 30-38 °L |
Info/Use: | Provides body. For Oktoberfest, bock, porter, stout, red, amber and brown ales. Results include increased fullness, heightened aroma and fuller flavor. Use 1 - 5% for light or pale beers. |
German CaraMunich Malt II
Color (L): | 42-50 °L |
Info/Use: | Provides body. For Oktoberfest, bock, porter, stout, red, amber and brown ales. Results in increased fullness, heightened aroma, fuller flavor and deep color. Use 5 -10% for darker beers. |
German CaraMunich Malt III
Color (L): | 53-60 °L |
Info/Use: | Provides body. For Oktoberfest, bock, porter, stout, red, amber and brown ales. Dark crystal. Results in deep saturated color and a fuller flavor. |
German Chocolate Rye Malt
Color (L): | 190-300 °L |
Info/Use: | Enhances aroma of dark ales and improves color. For dunkel rye wheat and ale. |
German Chocolate Wheat Malt
Color (L): | 375-450 °L |
Info/Use: | Intensifies aroma; improves color. For dark ales, alt, dark wheat, stout and porter. |
German Dark Munich Malt
Color (L): | 8-10 °L |
Info/Use: | Enhances body and aroma. Stout, schwarzbier, brown ale, dark and amber ales. |
German Light Munich Malt
Color (L): | 5-6 °L |
Info/Use: | For a malty, nutty flavor. Lagers, Oktoberfests and bock beer. |
German Melanoidin Malt
Color (L): | 23-31 °L |
Info/Use: | For amber lagers and ales, dark lagers and ales, Scottish & red ales. Imparts a reddish hue. |
German Pilsen Malt (2-Row)
Color (L): | 1.5 °L |
Info/Use: | Light color, malty flavor. For pilsners, lagers. |
German Rauch Smoked Malt
Color (L): | 2-4 °L |
Info/Use: | For rauchbier, kellerbier, smoked porters, Scottish ales and barleywines. |
German Rye Malt
Color (L): | 2.8-4.3 °L |
Info/Use: | Dry character. Can use as a base malt. For seasonal beers, roggenbier and ales. |
German Vienna Malt
Color (L): | 3 °L |
Info/Use: | Increases malty flavor, provides balance. Use in Vienna, Marzen and Oktoberfest. |
German Wheat Chocolate Malt
Color (L): | 500 °L |
Info/Use: | A roasted wheat malt used Altbier or Dark Wheat Beer (Ales). It results in an intensified aroma and improved color and a mild roasted flavor. |
German Wheat Malt Dark
Color (L): | 6-8 °L |
Info/Use: | Typical top fermented aroma; for wheat beers. |
German Wheat Malt Light
Color (L): | 1.5-2 °L |
Info/Use: | Typical top fermented aroma; for wheat beers. |
Color (L): | 1-1.5 °L |
Info/Use: | Imparts a corn/grain taste. Use in American lagers. |
Honey Malt
Color (L): | 25 °L |
Info/Use: | Malt sweetness and honey like flavor and aroma. |
Oats (Steel Cut)
Color (L): | 10 °L |
Info/Use: | Imparts oatmeal flavor for stouts. |
Rice Hulls
Color (L): | 1 °L |
Info/Use: | Used as a filtering bed after mashing. |
Scottish Golden Promise
Color (L): | 2.4 °L |
Info/Use: | Scottish pale ale malt; base malt for all Scottish beers. |
Scottish Peated Malt
Color (L): | 3 °L |
Info/Use: | Imparts a smoky flavor. |
Special B
Color (L): | 117 °L |
Info/Use: | Not provided. |
BJCP Style Information | Carbonation Chart | Color Chart | Hops | Malts and Grains | Yeast