Grocery-Store Cyser
General Information
Method: Other

It's too hot to make beer, but the kegerator is nearly empty.  I had some US-05 on hand for a pale ale I hadn't gotten around to making, so I picked up some apple juice and honey on my next grocery run.  I intended for this to be at least somewhat sweet, but the yeast chewed through nearly all of the sugars.  The tartness in the apple juice comes through in this recipe.


Would like at least some sweetness to remain; that's why I used an ale yeast instead of the usual wine or mead yeast (that, and ale yeast is what I had on hand).  Next time, I'll add more honey and see if that does it.

17.00 pounds Juice - Apple  
1.00 pounds Honey  
Total Boil Time: 0 minutes
Name: Safale
Manufacturer: Fermentis
Product ID: US-05
Type: Ale
Flocculation: Medium
Attenuation: 75-79%
Alcohol Tolerance: Medium
Temperature Range: 59–75°F
Amount: 12 gr

Pour two gallons of Tree Top 3 Apple Blend into a carboy.  Add one pound of clover honey.  Shake to mix.  Add yeast, put on an airlock, and let ferment for a week.  Crash the yeast out, rack into a keg, and put it on tap.

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